Rehabilitation After Total Laryngectomy: An Integrated Protocol Remotely Delivered During COVID-19
COVID-19, Psycho-Oncology, Telerehabilitation, Total Laryngectomy, Tracheoesophageal SpeechAbstract
The aim of this paper was to evaluate the results of an integrated treatment delivered remotely to laryngectomized patients with voice prosthesis. Eighteen laryngectomized patients were treated remotely in groups co-led by a speech therapist and a psychologist ("Online Group"). The results were compared with those of 17 patients ("In-Person Group") previously studied. The two groups obtained comparable results on all parameters of the INFVo perceptual rating scale, in the DEP, ANX, PHO and HOS areas of the Symptom Check List-90-Revised questionnaire, and in the areas investigated by the WHOQOL-B questionnaire. The "In-Person Group" obtained statistically better results on the Italian Self-Evaluation of Communication Experiences after Laryngeal Cancer questionnaire. Although the in-person treatment favored the acceptance of the new voice and the development of conversational skills, telerehabilitation guaranteed an adequate level of assistance in terms of voice acquisition, prevention of anxiety and depression, and recovery of a good QoL.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ylenia Longobardi, Vezio Savoia, Rosa Libero, Maria Elisabetta Marenda, Ilaria Proietti, Pasqualina Maria Picciotti, Giorgia Mari, Claudio Parrilla, Lucia D'Alatri
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