The Feasibility of a Customized, In-Home, Game-Based Stroke Exercise Program Using the Microsoft Kinect Sensor




The objective of this study was to determine the feasibility of a 6-week, game-based, in-home telerehabilitation exercise program using the Microsoft Kinect® for individuals with chronic stroke. Four participants with chronic stroke completed the intervention based on games designed with the customized Mystic Isle software. The games were tailored to each participant’s specific rehabilitation needs to facilitate the attainment of individualized goals determined through the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure. Likert scale questionnaires assessed the feasibility and utility of the game-based intervention. Supplementary clinical outcome data were collected. All participants played the games with moderately high enjoyment. Participant feedback helped identify barriers to use (especially, limited free time) and possible improvements. An in-home, customized, virtual reality game intervention to provide rehabilitative exercises for persons with chronic stroke is practicable. However, future studies are necessary to determine the intervention’s impact on participant function, activity, and involvement.


Author Biography

Rachel Proffitt, University of Southern California

Rachel Proffitt is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Occupational Therapy in the USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy and leads the Game Based Rehabilitation Lab at the USC Institute for Creative Technologies. The interdisciplinary team she leads is focused on developing customized, game-based, virtual reality technologies for rehabilitation. Dr. Proffitt's primary focus in both her research and clinical practice is neurological rehabilitation. She is conducting pilot clinical trials with traumatic brain injury, stroke, amputee and healthy aging populations using the developed games and systems.
Dr. Proffitt recently completed a T32 Postdoctoral Fellowship with training emphasis on conducting rehabilitation efficacy and effectiveness trials and was subsequently awarded a K12 career development award to provide protected research time for her research activities and further investigation of her primary research interests. Dr. Proffitt also teaches the Assistive Technology class within the occupational therapy master’s program and provides patient care at Keck Medical Center of USC. She earned her Doctorate of Occupational Therapy degree from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.


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How to Cite

Proffitt, R., & Lange, B. (2015). The Feasibility of a Customized, In-Home, Game-Based Stroke Exercise Program Using the Microsoft Kinect Sensor. International Journal of Telerehabilitation, 7(2), 23–34.



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