A Telehealth Privacy and Security Self-Assessment Questionnaire for Telehealth Providers: Development and Validation





Privacy, Questionnaire Development, Reliability, Security


Background: Telehealth is a great approach for providing high quality health care services to people who cannot easily access these services in person. However, because of frequently reported health data breaches, many people may hesitate to use telehealth-based health care services. It is necessary for telehealth care providers to demonstrate that they have taken sufficient actions to protect their patients’ data security and privacy. The government provided a HIPAA audit protocol that is highly useful for internal security and privacy auditing on health care systems, however, this protocol includes extensive details that are not always specific to telehealth and therefore is difficult to be used by telehealth practitioners.

Objective: The goal of this study was to develop and validate a telehealth privacy and security self-assessment questionnaire for telehealth providers. 

Methods: In our previous work, we performed a systematic review on the security and privacy protection offered in various telehealth systems. The results from this systematic review and the HIPAA audit protocol were used to guide the development of the self-assessment questionnaire. The draft of the questionnaire was created by the research team and distributed to a group of telehealth providers for evaluating the relevance and clarity of each statement in the draft. The questionnaire was adjusted and finalized according to the collected feedback and face-to-face discussions by the research team. A website was created to distribute the questionnaire and manage the answers from study participants. A psychometric analysis was performed to evaluate the reliability of the questionnaire.

Results: There were 84 statements in the draft questionnaire. Five telehealth providers provided their feedback to the statements in this draft. They indicated that a number of these statements were either redundant or beyond the capacity of telehealth care practitioners, who typically do not have formal training in information security. They also pointed out that the wording of some statements needed to be adjusted. The final released version of the questionnaire had 49 statements. In total, 31 telehealth providers across the nation participated in the study by answering all the statements in this questionnaire. The psychometric analysis indicated that the reliability of this questionnaire was high.   

Conclusion: With the availability of this self-assessment questionnaire, telehealth providers can perform a quick self-assessment on their telehealth systems. The assessment results may be used to identify possible vulnerabilities in telehealth systems and practice or demonstrate to patients the sufficient security and privacy protection to patients’ data.


Author Biographies

Leming Zhou, The University of Pittsburgh

Associate Professor, Health Information Management Department, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (SHRS)

Robert Thieret, The University of Pittsburgh

Recent graduate (summa cum laude) from the University of Pittsburgh's School of Rehabilitation Sciences with a Bachelor of Science in Health Information Management. Areas of interest include healthcare compliance, data analytics, and telehealth principles and research.

Valerie Watzlaf, The University of Pittsburgh

Vice Chair of Education, Health Information Management Department, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (SHRS) 

Dilhari DeAlmeida, The University of Pittsburgh

Associate Professor, Health Information Management Department, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (SHRS)

Bambang Parmanto, The University of Pittsburgh

Professor and Interim Chair, Health Information Management Department, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (SHRS) 


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How to Cite

Zhou, L., Thieret, R., Watzlaf, V., DeAlmeida, D., & Parmanto, B. (2019). A Telehealth Privacy and Security Self-Assessment Questionnaire for Telehealth Providers: Development and Validation. International Journal of Telerehabilitation, 11(1), 3–14. https://doi.org/10.5195/ijt.2019.6276



Privacy and Security