Telerehabilitation Feasibility in Total Joint Replacement


  • Mark J. Nelson
  • Kay M. Crossley
  • Michael G. Bourke
  • Trevor G. Russell



Despite documented benefits, many Total Joint Replacement (TJR) patients find it difficult to access rehabilitation following discharge from hospital. One solution to improve access for TJR patients is telerehabilitation. This study aimed to assess the feasibility of introducing a telerehabilitation program for TJR patients.   TJR patients at QEII Jubilee Hospital were invited to complete a questionnaire regarding their access, feelings towards and preferences in using technology. Seventy-five patients were recruited. Most patients had computer access (72%) and internet (69%) at home. Sixty-five percent of participants were willing to participate in telerehabilitation. A significant difference was found between older and younger patients. Watching videos on an electronic device was the preferred method for a technology-based home exercise program and phone call the preferred method of communication.  Results indicate telerehabilitation in the TJR population is feasible from the perspective of access to, feelings toward, and preferences for technology.

Keywords: Hip replacement, Knee replacement, Telerehabilitation, Telemedicine, Total joint replacement



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How to Cite

Nelson, M. J., Crossley, K. M., Bourke, M. G., & Russell, T. G. (2017). Telerehabilitation Feasibility in Total Joint Replacement. International Journal of Telerehabilitation, 9(2), 31–38.




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