Combining Teletherapy and On-line Language Exercises in the Treatment of Chronic Aphasia: An Outcome Study


  • Richard D. Steele Lingraphica - The Aphasia Company 103 Carnegie Center, Suite 104 Princeton, NJ 08540
  • Allison Baird SpeechWorks, Inc.
  • Denise McCall Snyder Center for Aphasia Life Enhancement
  • Lisa Haynes Lingraphica - The Aphasia Company



We report a 12-week outcome study in which nine persons with long-term chronic aphasia received individual and group speech-language teletherapy services, and also used on-line language exercises to practice from home between therapy sessions.  Participants were assessed at study initiation and completion using the Western Aphasia Battery, a portion of the Communicative Effectiveness Index, ASHA National Outcome Measurement System, and RIC Communication Confidence Rating Scale for Aphasia; additionally participants were polled regarding satisfaction at discharge.  Pre-treatment and post-treatment means were calculated and compared, and matched t-tests were used to determine significance of improvements following treatment, with patterns of independent on-line activity analyzed.  Analysis of scores shows that means improved on most measures following treatment, generally significantly: the WAB AQ improved +3.5 (p = .057); the CETI Overall (of items administered) — +17.8 (p = .01), and CCRSA Overall — + 10.4 (p = .0004).  Independent work increased with time, and user satisfaction following participation was high.


Author Biography

Richard D. Steele, Lingraphica - The Aphasia Company 103 Carnegie Center, Suite 104 Princeton, NJ 08540

Richard Steele is currently Chief Scientist at Lingraphica, which makes products and services available for the rehabilitation of aphasia. Prior to that, he was a Research Health Scientist at the Rehabilitation Research and Development Center at the VA Medical Center in Palo Alto, California.


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How to Cite

Steele, R. D., Baird, A., McCall, D., & Haynes, L. (2015). Combining Teletherapy and On-line Language Exercises in the Treatment of Chronic Aphasia: An Outcome Study. International Journal of Telerehabilitation, 6(2), 3–20.


